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Extreme Loggers

Premieres: Southeast Asia on Sept 14 at 10:00 pm; Australasia on Oct 7 at 9:30 pm; North Asia on Aug 28 at 6:00 pm


For hundreds of years, generations of men have been making a profitable living logging in some of the world's most treacherous and inaccessible environments. Yet with yearly fatality rates over 21 times higher than the rate for all other professions in the US combined, it takes a unique and determined person to succeed. Discovery Channel's new action-packed series EXTREME LOGGERS shadows the occupational hazards of loggers to reveal the amazing stories of these remarkable men and their quest to log where no other man dares. 

EXTREME LOGGERS follows different types of loggers, from logging companies whose families have been in the business for years, to major corporations who have managed to streamline the logging process but have been unsuccessful in curbing the dangers involved. The logging operations range from small family run companies and mule logging to major corporations and heli-logging. Join these loggers as they tackle various trials and tribulations of logging, such as dealing with the
Don't miss the series that made logging a household name and gave us a glimpse into the lives of these amazing, dedicated and proud men and women who "breathe the woods" as a way of life.

EXTREME LOGGERS episode descriptions:

Episode 1
Veteran logger Bobby Goodson cuts timber in a swamp forest full of unseen danger and unpleasant surprises. Here, trees grow in quicksand-like mud that swallows huge logging machines, and poisonous snakes hide in the low bushes. Many say the forest is impossible to log and some even say the place is cursed. But Bobby, one of best loggers in the state, is not a superstitious man and he readily accepts the challenge to log the land.

Episode 2
In the world of select cutting, getting heavy logging equipment in and out of a forest can be next to impossible. The work is hard the old-fashioned way - cutting timber by hand, loading logs with makeshift equipment and hauling them out of dense forests that are packed with wild animals. Can the greenhorns succeed under these backbreaking conditions? Or will the mules finally get the best of them?

Episode 3
The most dangerous form of logging - helicopter logging - is made even more challenging by the size of these mammoth trees. Working in the remote, hilly wilderness of Vancouver Island, these loggers have to worry about runaway logs and a 12,000 pound helicopter hovering above their heads. Racing up mountainsides, catching flying cables, battling the ocean to ferry the logs and watching out for wild animals are all just another day at work for these unsung heroes.

Episode 4
When winter temperatures drop below zero and the muskeg freezes in Northern Alberta's Boreal forests, the Ice Loggers of Pineridge Logging emerge. Here, in the dead of winter, these EXTREME LOGGERS must brave extremely frigid temperatures and frostbites to harvest valuable timber before the spring thaw ends their season.

Future episodes TBC.