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Storm Surfers: New Zealand

Premieres: Southeast Asia on Aug 29 at 10:00 pm; North Asia on Aug 13 at 11:00 pm; Australasia on Jul 14 at 8:30 pm

- Surfing legends go where normal cameras cannot, to track Mother Nature's fiercest waves -

Two-time world champion Tom Carroll and renowned big wave rider Ross Clarke-Jones are two Aussie surfing legends who have joined forces to track down the most death-defying, colossal waves. Following a successful mission in Tasmania, Australia, where they battled 20-30 foot waves, the adrenaline junkies have decided to raise the stakes in neighbouring New Zealand. Together with top meteorologist Ben Matson and surfing legend Doug Young, don't miss the STORM SURFERS as they face Mother Nature's wrath while chasing down monster waves. 

In their previous STORM SURFERS mission, Tom Carroll and Ross Clarke-Jones victoriously defeated giant waves at Shipsterns Bluff and Dangerous Banks in Tasmania. Buoyed by their success, they are back and on a quest to conquer mammoth waves off the South Island of New Zealand. Here, only the unpredictable, inhospitable conditions of the remote Fiordland await Tom and Ross as they weather freezing temperatures, rugged terrain, snow and Antarctic squalls loaded with marble-sized hail.

Dealing with the harsh weather conditions is only half the job as nothing can prepare them for Mother Nature's biggest test. Hunting waves the size of four-storey buildings involves strategy, timing, preparation and precision. Using the latest storm prediction technology, meteorologist and surf forecaster Ben Matson helps Ross and Tom track swells and time their arrival in a mad, high-stakes race against time and the elements. Their adventure into the unknown Fiordland sees them joined by a local big wave surfer, Doug Young, as they deal with the harshest conditions of their careers and come too close for comfort with an Antarctic storm.

Filmed in stunning HD, STORM SURFERS: NEW ZEALAND puts viewers right on the board with Tom and Ross as they test the limits of physical endurance and master their fear in pursuit of the Southern Ocean's massive swells. What does Mother Nature have in stored for Tom and Ross? Will they conquer the remote wilds of the Fiordland or will the waves and their egos get the better of them? Find out when STORM SURFERS: NEW ZEALAND premieres this month.