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Worst Case Scenario

Premieres: Southeast Asia on Dec 8 at 11:00 pm; North Asia on Dec 7 at 11:00 pm; Australasia on Oct 21 at 7:30 pm

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Imagine going about your daily routine when the unthinkable happens and disaster strikes. From your usual drive to work or a walk in the park, most crises arise close to home or in everyday life. You never know when a simple task could turn deadly but knowing exactly what to do in these situations could be the difference between life and death. MAN VS. WILD survival expert Bear Grylls tackles urban survival and potentially deadly circumstances to provide tips everyone can use on the brand new series WORST CASE SCENARIO.

For most of us, being trapped in a scorpion-infested cave or getting lost in the Sahara dessert would seem like our worst nightmare, while getting caught in potentially fatal situations in an urban jungle, less far-fetched. Filmed like a feature film, WORST CASE SCENARIO  is a heart-pounding and informative six-part series that follows survival expert host Bear Grylls as he puts himself in life-threatening situations to demonstrate hands-on, step-by-step instructions on everything one would need to know when faced with a WORST CASE SCENARIO

In each episode of WORST CASE SCENARIO, Bear pushes his physical boundaries in scenarios that viewers could find themselves in, and equips them with nifty survival advice. Relying solely on advice and instruction from experts, Bear escapes a multitude of deadly circumstances, proving that anyone equipped with the right knowledge and skills can survive even in the worst of scenarios - from escaping a high-rise apartment fire and stopping a car with failed brakes to fending off a shark attack and surviving a ride in a plunging elevator.

WORST CASE SCENARIO is produced for Discovery Channel by Pilgrim Films & Television.  Craig Piligian and Eddie Barbini are co-executive producers for Pilgrim Films & Television and Josh Berkley is executive producer for Discovery Channel.