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Animal Planet

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Expedition Tiger

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Join the first ever expedition to venture high into the Himalayas in search of big cats in extraordinary documentary ‘Expedition Tiger'. Closed to outsiders for years, Bhutan is a forgotten world. No one knows how many tigers prowl the jungles and mountains here, but if the rumours of a healthy population are true, it will give credence to a proposed 2000-mile long 'tiger conservation corridor': an ambitious project that would allow the last remaining big cats to move freely between Burma, India and Nepal. Journeying through the jungle on elephant back, the big cat experts deploy the latest camera-trapping technology and combine it with FBI fingerprinting software to collect data and identify individual Tigers by their stripes. With unique access to the jungles and mountains of Bhutan, follow the team as they seek out a secret tiger population which could save these magnificent creatures from extinction.