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Michaela's Animal Road Trip

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Join host and animal-lover Michaela, in new series' Michaela's Animal Road Trip' as she embarks on a grand journey across Britain, to explore the wildlife parks, rescue centre's and zoos that care for the countries most-threatened animals. In each episode, Michaela will travel to a different carer community and get to know the keepers, carers and animal rescuers who go beyond the call of duty, to protect native and exotic wildlife. Viewers will see Michaela visit Colchester Zoo, as she follows one keeper's emotional journey to move a family of meerkat's into a new open-plan enclosure; Edinburgh Zoo, which is home to the only koalas in Britain and she will come face-to-face with a whole host of native and exotic animals along the way, such as injured badger cubs, foxes and snakes, capuchin monkeys and pygmy hippos.