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Animal Planet

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Saving Rhino Philia

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Brand new series, ‘Saving Rhino Phila', illuminates a powerful emotional story of survival, that emerges from deep within a conflict. A new breed of poachers has recently gone to war on South Africa's rhino population and against all odds, one rhino has survived their bullets. Her name is Phila. Her story is set against a backdrop of organised crime and millionaire poachers, armed to the teeth with automatic weapons, helicopters and night vision goggles. A host of offbeat characters are drawn into Phila's world: from her owner and his shattered dreams, to wildlife veterinarians arrested for poaching. From crack police units to glamorous landowners lacing their rhino's horns with poison. It's a rollercoaster ride complete with surprising twists in a conflict that is not as simple as it seems on the surface. And Phila has inadvertently become the symbol of hope in this war where the survival of her species is literally at stake.