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Maurizio Vitale

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Senior Vice President, Marketing

Maurizio Vitale joined OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network as senior vice president, marketing, OWN in July 2010.  In his position, Mr. Vitale is responsible for all on-air and off-air marketing and promotional opportunities for the network, as well as the brand position and identity of OWN. 


Maurizio Vitale comes to OWN from Discovery Networks EMEA (Europe, Middle East & Africa) where he was senior vice president, marketing communications.  Mr. Vitale was responsible for directing all elements of the brand expression to over 100 markets in 25 different languages, and developing locally compelling campaigns throughout EMEA to increase brand franchise and brand equity.


Prior to joining Discovery, Mr. Vitale was vice president, creative, MTV Europe Networks, where he oversaw creative for all of the network's Pan-European programming, including the MTV Europe Music Awards, and managed the creative teams in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.  Mr. Vitale joined MTV Networks Europe in 1996 holding several roles within graphic design and art direction before moving specifically into on-air creative.  Mr. Vitale began his career in broadcast as a freelance designer in Italy and the UK.


Mr. Vitale holds a Master of Arts in Communications and Humanities from the Royal College of Art, London, England, and a Bachelor of Arts in graphic design and advertising from Nuova Accademia of Belle Arti, Milan, Italy.