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Hairy Bikers US

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Join best friends Bill Allen and Paul Patranella as they share their love of big motorbikes and great food in brand new series, ‘Hairy Bikers US'. Combining these twin passions, the pals set off on the ultimate foodie's road trip, cooking and eating their way across the USA to showcase a rich array of local delicacies. From serving up bullfrogs on the Oklahoma river banks; and turning a pest problem into a delicious dish in the Louisiana swamplands; to hooking up with Houston's heat seeking maniacs to test out the hottest chilli peppers in the world, the daring duo immerse themselves in local history as they experience the eating habits of an assortment of colourful characters. Their adventurous journey also sees them prepare road kill cuisine, experience extreme breakfast tacos, and learn the secret to cooking a chicken on a beer can before trying out the technique on a freshly-caught alligator! Follow Paul and Bill on their fun-filled and informative escapade as they seek out the true tastes of America.