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Magic of Science

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How does a magician crush a ten tonne oil tanker like it's a drinks can? Or drive a 4x4 across a swimming pool without sinking? Or make a man levitate six inches off the ground? Fusing the showmanship and mystery of street magic with the raw power of science, brand new series ‘Magic Of Science' exposes the marvellous mechanics behind these seemingly miraculous feats. Each episode rising stars from the world of magic wow their unsuspecting public with a variety of amazing tricks, dazzling displays and truly astounding stunts including knocking down a wall with the power of one's voice and turning a silver bracelet into gold. Having floored their audience with this remarkable spectacle, the wily magicians then reveal the stunning science behind their incredible illusions. As well as this, the series will also test the boundaries of credulity by featuring undercover, hidden camera set pieces where the public have no idea they're standing witness to some incredible magic - all of which is in fact pure science. Uncover the secrets of these confounding performances and examine the extraordinary science that makes the impossible possible.