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Marcel's Quantum Kitchen

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At just 30 years old Marcel Vigneron has already made a name as the Executive Sous Chef at Jose Andres' Bazaar and as the head chef at Los Angeles' Bar 210. And now, he has his own reality series, Marcel's Quantum Kitchen. The exciting new series will follow Marcel as he begins to explore the next phase of his career. In each episode, Marcel will be hired by a demanding client to produce and pull off extraordinary events and celebrations. Based on the client's requests, Marcel will have to dream up a menu for the affair, from a futuristic four-course meal for Chrysler executives to a new twist on a luau for one of the nations most renowned surfers. He and his team of party planners and sous chefs will oversee the entire production, tapping the depths of their imagination, scientific experimentation, and culinary talent to dream up everything from the decor to a delicious menu that emphasizes Marcel's unparalleled brand of molecular gastronomy. Will Marcel continue to out-do himself? Tune in to find out.