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Secrets Of Egypt's Lost Queen

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In what is the most important find in Egypt's Valley of the Kings since the discovery of King Tutankhamen, Discovery Channel's 'Secrets of Egypt's Lost Queen' reveals exclusive new archaeological, forensic and scientific evidence identifying a 3,500-year-old mummy as Hatshepsut, the queen who would be king of Egypt. More powerful than Cleopatra or Nefertiti, Hatshepsut stole the throne from her young stepson, dressed herself as a man and in a shockingly unprecedented move, she declared herself pharaoh. Though her power stretched across Egypt and her reign was prosperous, Hatshepsut's legacy was systematically erased from Egyptian history - historical records were destroyed, monuments torn down and her corpse removed from her tomb - and her death is shrouded in mystery. Follow a team of top forensic experts and archaeologists as they use the full range of forensic technology available today to identify Hatshepsut.