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Weed Wars

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It is a familiar story:  a start-up business, demanding clients and the ever-looming possibility that it could all go belly up...but this is not exactly a typical business.  When California voters passed the Compassionate Use Act in 1996, medicinal cannabis was legalised igniting a firestorm of controversy and providing an opening to a whole new kind of entrepreneur. Brand new six-part series Weed Wars follows Oakland's Harborside Health Center, the nation's largest medicinal cannabis dispensary serving over 80,000 patients.  The man behind Harborside is founder Steve DeAngelo whose mission is to provide the best possible product to his diverse client base of patients. Follow the journey of the plant itself from seed germination to harvesting.  Meet the growers and "patient farmers" whose job it is to provide the "medicine" - the buds - that will eventually be purchased and used by thousands of clients, many of whom feel their lives have been forever changed by the plant. Weed Warsoffers a look at a world unlike any other.