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HD Showcase

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HD Showcase » Programs » Coal
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Coal is one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet. Used to generate more than half of America's electricity, it is the foundation of a multi-billion dollar industry that directly employs more than 80,000 people and creates countless other jobs. In the small towns of West Virginia and Pennsylvania, miners slog it out daily in cramped spaces, having inherited this difficult and dangerous job from their fathers and grandfathers. New series, ‘Coal', goes underground, exploring the workings of a modern coalmine, meeting the people who undertake the potentially lethal, complex task of extracting this vital natural resource. Each episode features a different member of the crew, from the men who work at the coal face, to the shift bosses who oversee the whole operation, focusing on both their work and home lives. In a part of the country that's struggling economically, coal is the only industry that pays, and it pays well. But is the risk worth the reward?