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Gold Rush 2

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Last season, Gold Rush followed father and son team, Jack and Todd Hoffman, as they made a desperate attempt to fight the recession and strike it rich on a gold claim in Alaska. Together with a band of unemployed mining rookies, Jack and Todd spent a season fighting breakdowns, tragedies and the Alaskan wilderness in a desperate hunt for gold - and a more secure future for their families. But despite digging deeper than ever before at Porcupine Creek in Alaska, the miners were ultimately defeated by the Alaskan winter. Now, the ambitious pair are back for a second season and determined to give it another go. With enough funding to get them going, they are heading north to Alaska to settle unfinished business. But whilst Jack still has his sights set on the gold he is convinced lies at the bottom of the glory hole in Porcupine Creek, Todd wants to head further north to the Yukon and the richer gold mines of the Klondike. For Todd and his crew their future depends on everything now; will they make the right choice, and strike gold this time around?