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Investigation Discovery

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Evil, I

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Delving into the dark recesses of the minds of murderers, brand new ‘Evil, I' examines the shocking stories of real murder investigations from the killer's perspective. Relying on extensive research into the life, personality and movements of the killer, this compelling twelve-part series gives voice to thoughts that until now have been silent. While interviews with the victim's family and the investigators guide viewers through the facts of the case, the imagined voice of the killer describes his own thoughts and movements, building up a visceral picture of his murderous activities. From the serial killer, profiled as an unassuming man with a violent streak, capable of hiding in plain sight; to the madman who captured and killed many terrified women in his basement; to the local nurse with a troubled past, who poisoned his patients, explore the life of the victim and the murderer and uncover the killer's motivation for their heinous crimes.