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Chateau Monty

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Top wine critic and author, Monty Waldin, has decided to put his money where his opinionated mouth is and pack it all in to make wine biodynamically in rural France. He has just over a year to turn 4 hectares into top selling organic wine. Renovating an old cabin on his vineyard so he can babysit his vines 24/7, his only company will be his donkey and occasionally his high maintenance girlfriend Silvana when she jets in from Italy.

Regarded by peers as a bit “Loopy” because of his views about ‘Biodynamics’, and even as 'the enfant terrible of the wine world' (he’s upset the establishment for his harsh criticisms of the wine industry). None the less Monty’s forged a successful career and written several award winning books….. But all this is about to change ….just at his peak he’s chucking it all in to try and produce his own wine.