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Big Families 2

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Continuing the incredible story of Britain’s biggest family, Sue Radford is about to give birth to her 16th child and her oldest daughter Sophie is about to have her first baby. Despite it all, Sue and husband Noel are celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary this year and plan to hire a castle in Scotland to renew their vows. Sue dreams of having a big white dress, a proper ceremony, all of her children as bridesmaids or page boys and a massive reception to follow. There is even talk of a holiday in the Caribbean as a second honeymoon. Can they do it all while also looking after 16 children and a new-born grandchild? When two kids are more than enough to get most of us worrying about money and life, how do these big families cope? This series will answer some of the unanswered questions from the first series, revealing the forensic detail of how these enormous families function on a day-to-day basis.