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Cherry Goes... The Seven Ages Of...

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Life is complicated enough, but how do you find the ideal partner? When should you get married? When is the right time to have a baby? And when you have a baby should you breastfeed? In ‘Cherry Goes...The Seven Ages Of...' intrepid young journalist Cherry Healey immerses herself in the lives of seven women all at very different stages of their own lives and all trying to answer one of these big questions. The series follows Cherry as she explores age old questions about finding love and meets schoolgirls searching for their first boyfriend, thirty-somethings looking for husbands and voracious 50+ women. Cherry also meets underage drinkers, student boozers, hen party girls, chardonnay mums and tipsy grannies, to find out why booze is such a big part of women's lives. And after unexpectedly falling pregnant herself, Cherry gets together with seven other mums-to-be including a schoolgirl mother, a high flyer with a c-section scheduled in her diary and a 40-something IVF patient, to find out if there is ever a right time to have a baby? Finally after having her baby and struggling with breastfeeding Cherry is determined to find out if breastfeeding is best and hooks up with the teenage mum who fed her baby only formula and a group of 'lactavists' who believe every baby should be breastfed. Follow Cherry as she embarks on this incredible journey of life.