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Coming Out Diaries

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‘Coming Out Diaries’ follows the dilemmas faced by three young people as they navigate their way through telling their family and friends that they are gay or transgender. 17-year-old Natalie was born a boy, but now wants to dress and live fully as a girl. Her mum is reeling from the shock of the news and is finding it very difficult to accept that her 'son' is now her 'daughter'. Whilst 17-year-old Tori feels she was bullied at school for being a lesbian. She wants to come out to her new friends at Beauty College so she can become closer to them, but she is terrified after her previous experiences. Finally 19-year-old Jamie has not told his course-mates that he was born a girl. He loves being accepted as one of the lads and is thrilled that for the first time no-one has guessed his secret. But on the flip side, Jamie worries that he is deceiving his course-mates. But will each one of them find the courage to reveal their true identities to everyone they know?