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Dating In The Dark

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‘Dating in the Dark' explores how important aesthetic attraction is when it comes to achieving emotional intimacy, and asks the million dollar question - do looks really matter? Each week six singletons, all genuinely looking for love, will explore a totally unique way of meeting someone special- in total darkness. We all think we know the qualities that we would like to find in a partner. But would be too shallow to rule out the potential of love in your life based on how someone looks? Each episode of ‘Dating in the Dark' will invite three single guys and girls to take up residence in separate apartments, within a specially designed house. Kept completely apart, each couple will only meet for the first time in the dating room which is kept in total darkness. It is here where each couple will get to know each other and viewers will get the chance to follow the action, week by week, via state of the art infra-red cameras in the dark room.