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Delicious Miss Dahl, The

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Sophie Dahl brings her culinary prowess to television with a six-part cookery series, The Delicious Miss Dahl. Initially known for an international modelling career, Sophie turned her focus to writing and is now a best-selling novelist and columnist who has written widely about her passion for food and cooking. For Sophie, food and emotion are inextricably linked. Each episode, therefore, is themed around an emotional thread including romance, nostalgia and escapism. With food as the centrepiece, she revisits treasured places, revealing the personal resonance behind each of her recipes. From the stony Sussex beach she played on as a child, to a hidden urban cemetery and its messages of enduring love, Sophie reflects on moments in her life that have shaped her approach to food. Sophie's quirky and unique approach to cooking makes this series a real feast - earthy, funny and, above all, straight from the heart.