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Don't Tell the Bride 4

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In this age of equality of the sexes, women can do men's jobs, and men can do women's. But there is one area of life where the ladies usually take the lead and that is to plan their own wedding. In exciting new series ‘Don't Tell the Bride' each episode follows a couple through the entire process of organising a wedding but with a twist- that the bride has absolutely no involvement, and agrees to hand over all control of the wedding to the groom. The bride will have no idea where she is getting married, or who will be invited until the big day arrives and she will only see the dress that her husband-to-be has picked out for her, just hours before she wears it to walk up the aisle. Conditions of the show are that the couple must live separately in the month leading up to the big day. Will the relationship survive the strain? Will the groom succeed in pulling together the perfect wedding? And is his idea of perfection anywhere near hers? UK Series