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The Fabulous Beekman Boys S2

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The second series of ‘The Fabulous Beekman Boys' sees Brent and Josh continuing their journey towards growing the Beekman 1802 business enough that Josh can move to the farm full time. Josh's salary from his advertising job barely covers their expenses as-is and he realises the only way his dream can come true is if Brent were to increase their sales to one million dollars. Brent accepts the challenge and sets on a mission to reach what seems like an unattainable goal. But with each new product released, Brent seems to get closer and closer to making Josh's dream a reality. With a constant slate of events before them including a road trip, a barn makeover, a magazine shoot, village festivals, product launches and a visit by Josh's parents, things in the world of the Beekman Boys never seem to slow down. Of course, Brent would not have it any other way. Josh, on the other hand, just really wants to take a nap.