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Four Weddings US

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The hugely popular series, ‘Four Weddings', heads to America, to pit four blushing brides against each other, to win their dream honeymoon. Organising a wedding can be stressful enough, without being judged on every little detail by three rival brides! Each wedding will be scored on the venue, the food, the overall experience and, of course, the dress. Series highlights include; an African-Caribbean bride who pits her special day against a Greek wedding; a Catholic girl who reveals her wild side for her ceremony, going head to head with a young bride who embraces the glamour of Hollywood for her celebrations; an outspoken wedding traditionalist who competes with a extravert Florida bride, and an outdoor Jewish ceremony; a bride who having only attended two weddings, must face a rival whose ceremony is costing a huge $80,000, and a Christian music star who plans an extravaganza with rock music at the True Holy Church.