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I'm Pregnant and...

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This brand new series follows a number of expectant mothers in extraordinary circumstances, like incarceration, mental illness or addiction. Their day to day routines are often very different to those experienced by mothers the world over, and the things that they have to contend with will almost certainly affect the labour and delivery of their babies. There is Misty and Jonathan who lost their home. Living in a tent in the woods, they survive on one or two inadequate meals a day and are looking at the prospect of having their baby taken away if they don't find a home. Sarah was three months pregnant when she was sent to prison. After her baby is born she will return to serve the rest of her sentence, and wants the baby to stay with her. Is she making the right decision for her child? And recovering heroin addict Colette, whose continuing use of methadone risks her baby's development and could even lead to its death.