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The Little Couple 5

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‘The Little Couple’ returns for an important and emotional season. After more than a year of dedicated planning and anxious waiting, follow the couple as they leave for India to pick up their newly adopted daughter, Zoey. With their three-year old son, Will, in tow, the family has no idea that they'll face their biggest challenge in the midst of their happiest moment. The trip takes an unexpected turn when Jen falls ill and returns to Texas, leaving Bill in a foreign country with two young children in order to complete the adoption. Upon Jen's return from India, she is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and immediately begins to battle the disease. The new episodes capture the heartwarming and heartbreaking moments as the growing family copes with Jen's news. Despite her condition, life at home with two toddlers doesn't slow down. While Jen undergoes weekly chemotherapy treatments, Bill steps up his role as "Mr. Mom," and both work to strengthen their bond with Zoey.