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Long Island Medium

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Theresa is a typical Long Island mum, with a very special gift- the ability to talk to the dead. Brand new TLC series ‘Long Island Medium' follows Teresa as she helps others to connect with their deceased loved ones. As a psychic medium, Theresa has an ability that most people can't comprehend. Constantly feeling spirits around her, she often feels compelled to deliver messages to the friends and relatives they've left behind. With a waiting list of over two years, Theresa has turned numerous sceptics into believers by enabling them to communicate with those who have passed on. For Theresa, this is not just her job, this is her life. However, while Theresa commits herself to helping other families to find peace, her own family, particularly her teenage children, occasionally get annoyed by her inability to turn this gift "off". Join Theresa and her relatable and loving family, as they deal with the daily challenges of living with a psychic.