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Brand new to TLC comes drama series ‘Parenthood’, which follows the trials and tribulations of the very large, very colourful, but less than perfect Braverman family. Single mum Sarah Braverman is struggling for money whilst trying to raise two teenaged kids, the bright but rebellious Amber and sullen and sensitive Drew. Sarah and the kids live with her larger-than-life, headstrong father, Zeek, and pillar-of-strength mother Camille, who are both dealing with their own marital issues. Meanwhile, Sarah's sister and complete antithesis, Julia is a successful corporate attorney juggling work and motherhood, alongside her loving but increasingly restless stay-at-home husband, Joel. Sarah’s younger brother, commitment-phobe Crosby, is helping to raise a five-year-old son he had out of wedlock with former girlfriend Jasmine. However, it's Adam, the oldest of the Braverman siblings, who has had to relinquish his expectations about what constitutes a "normal" family, as he, his quietly forceful wife Kristina and independent-minded teenage daughter Haddie, struggle to cope with their eccentric son and Haddie's little brother Max, who has Asperger's Syndrome. Although each sibling and family has its own share of everyday challenges to deal with, they still manage to be there for each other in their hours of need.