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Snog Marry Avoid 3

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This August, entertaining ‘makeunder’ show, ‘Snog, Mary, Avoid’ returns with two brand new series as over-the-top women… and men are given a transformation to try and rid them forever of too much makeup, fake eyelashes, freshly sprayed tans and glaringly white teeth! Presenter and singer Jenny Frost once again joins forces with sharp tongued computer POD – a Personal Overhaul Device - to try and transform these girls and boys into natural beauties. Before and after each makeunder the public will vote as to whether they would rather snog, marry or avoid POD's willing victims. New episodes see; Big Brother winner Sophie Reade and her puppies; X-rated X-Factor girlband Kandy Rain; a cybergoth with a gas mask; an A-star student who wants to be taken seriously; a stilt-walking, angle-grinding dancer who needs to be taken clothes shopping and two timewarped teenagers who need to be taken into the 21st century!