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Too Fat For 15: Fighting Back 2

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‘Too Fat For 15: Fighting Back' returns with a new series following obese teenagers on their personal journey to lose weight at America's renowned weight-loss boarding school, Wellspring Academy. The overweight students will continue to bravely fight emotional and physical hurdles to help them drop hundreds of life-threatening pounds. Three students from series one will return to the academy revealing their progress over the holidays: Tanisha, who lost a staggering 160lbs in her first semester; Scotty, who is back after an unsuccessful summer in which he gained 15lbs; and Emily, who lost 55lbs in her first semester but returns to reach her goal weight of 130lbs. Plus, joining for their first year, are four young students: Rachel, whose family has also decided to go on a health kick to encourage and support her; Hayley, who's starting weight of 511lbs makes her the largest student in Wellspring history; Carsyn, whose all-star athletic parents are making her feel the pressure of her 203lbs body weight; and Lia, whose lazy and rebellious ways attribute to her excessive weight of 196lbs.