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Chasing Churchill

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It is a name that will echo through the ages; it stands for the determination to defeat the menace of tyranny; the valour to lead when all hope seems extinguished; and the will to carve out victory in spite of the terrible cost inflicted by a merciless enemy. Churchill. No one before or since has come to embody what it is to be British. But who was the real man behind the myth?

In this three-part series Churchill’s granddaughter, Celia Sandys, follows in his footsteps, visiting places that formed the man.  To Cuba, where he had his first brush with death on his 21st birthday; to South Africa where he became a gung-ho war correspondent for the Morning Post; and to the USA where his mother was born.

Through newly discovered film archive, photographs, private letters, diaries and paintings, see the real Churchill: the man behind the myth.