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Fred & Rose: The West Murders

Network Premiere Series Thurdays from 7th May, 10.00PM

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In Fred & Rose West: The West Murders the amazing secret archive of serial killers Fred and Rose West reveals the inner workings of the couple accused of Britain’s most shocking murderous sex crimes. In 1994, police dug up the bodies of nine young women from the home of Gloucester builder Fred West and his prostitute wife Rose. Police tapes, never disclosed at the time, reveal how Fred West had begun a series of shocking confessions after the severed corpse of his teenage daughter, Heather, was found under the patio of their Cromwell Street home. West’s seemingly normal home movies record how he turned the family home into a brothel for his wife Rose, as his children played downstairs. And West’s solicitor, Howard Ogden, tells how police used West’s belief that the ghosts of those he murdered had come to haunt him in a desperate bid to find the last bodies in Cromwell Street. Step into the disturbing and macabre world that lay behind some of the most horrifying crimes ever committed.