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Kings Of Crash

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The world of the demolition derby can be summed up by one simple axiom – “smash or be smashed.”  Explosive egos, intense competition and automotive carnage make these destructive events impossible to turn away from. Set in Utah’s demolition derby circuit in rural Utah, this is a world of legalized road rage, where the accidents aren’t accidents and the characters are as combustible as the collisions! TJ, the Sweat Brothers, and Gumby the Stormin’ Mormon compete for bragging rights, family honor, and enough prize money to repair their cars for the next event. Exploring the personal lives of eight drivers who step behind the wheel every week in hopes of crushing the competition and bringing home a win. At each derby, competitors advance through various heats for a chance to capture the coveted “Mad Dog: Most Aggressive Driver” title, juggle nagging physical pain, strained family relationships, and financial stresses as they push ahead in their quest to become derby champion.