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Rowing the Pacific

Premieres Thursday 10th May, 9.00pm

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Overcoming perilous hurricanes, life-threatening electrical storms, 50-foot waves, near starvation and a fire that almost took their lives, Mick Dawson and Chris Martin set a new world record when they rowed 7000 miles across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to San Francisco in just 189 days. With exclusive access to the unique footage they recorded on board every step of their journey, Rowing the Pacific makes for a compelling, high adrenaline one-off programme. From the very start, Mick and Chris knew they were putting their lives on the line by even attempting this highly dangerous voyage. There had already been six failed attempts - including one fatal one - to cross the North Pacific. Mick himself had been involved in two of them, including an expedition that ended in a terrifying capsize when his boat was flooded by a freak wave. This film tells the amazing story of two men who were pushed to the edge and beyond, yet who survived it all to tell a remarkable story of human endurance and courage.