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What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Premieres Wednesdays from 1st April, 9PM

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WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? Find out in the explosive new series, where real-life friends, Grant Reynolds and Kevin Moore, work to decipher what went wrong in the most outrageous internet fail videos. Kevin is the know-it-all science guy with the PhD, and Grant is a former Special Forces operative turned survivalist and trainer for the Navy Seals, FBI and DEA. Together this pair is ready to out build, out kaboom and out science the world's craziest viral videos! In each episode, the pair digs deep into a new video of a great plan gone wrong. It could be rotting wood supporting a porch or just simple physics. Then it's off to their top-secret test facility to experiment and figure out how to make it all go smoothly the next time round. Using common sense and a bit of brute force, they uncover the secrets of such things as to unclog your toilet with a firecracker, and the best way to propel your powerboat from the lake into your pick-up truck.