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Deadly Women 10

Premieres October 2 at 10pm

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A killer needs three things to commit a homicide: motive, opportunity, and means. These women have all of those.

Take the pregnant teenager and her boyfriend so desperate for cash they callously murder an elderly relative. Or the millionaire housewife who enlists her children to help kill her husband. And then there's the A-grade student who turns to crime following her father's premature death.

Viewers can expect blood-soaked tales in Season 10 of Deadly Women. ID journeys into the past to uncover the bizarre world of women who kill for thrills. Former FBI agent and criminal profiler, Candice DeLong, is our host exploring the psyche of female killers to understand what sent them on a lethal rampage.

What turns love affairs into fatal attractions? What dark secrets inspire women to commit vicious crimes? All will be revealed this September on ID.