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The Book That Changed The World


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This year celebrates the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible. This ‘book of books' has influenced many international cultures and societies, and Discovery History will commemorate its anniversary with a thrilling and epic account of how King James's Bible was born.

Directed by BAFTA and Emmy Award winning director, Norman Stone, and presented by internationally acclaimed actor John Rhys-Davies (Lord of the Rings, Raiders of the Lost Ark), one-off drama-documentary The Book that Changed the World tells the complete story of the best known book in the world; from the dangers and intrigues of the Court of the Virgin Queen, through battling Bishops and squabbling scholars, to 17th century terrorists and their infamous ‘Gunpowder Plot'. Through it all one man held sway, the Scottish King James VI, who took the English throne, confounded his enemies and delivered a single, great and towering work which still bears his name today.