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Surviving D-Day

Premieres Monday 6th June, 10.00pm

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67 years since the D-Day landings, Discovery History asks; what decides whether you live or die on the biggest battleground in history? It isn't just heroism; it's how the odds are stacked for or against you.

Plunging into the carnage on Omaha Beach, Surviving D-Day presents a unique forensic analysis of the deadly dangers facing teenage GIs. For the first time, experts calculate the chances of surviving the slaughter on Omaha. On a level playing-field, the men were fighting fit. But in battle, fatigue slashes their chances of making it out alive. Seasickness, soaking wet clothes and excessive quantities of kit all further reduce the men's chances. As they struggle to advance, the survivors cling on to little more than a slim glimmer of hope.  But the enemy are well-dug in. There's far more of them than expected, they are equipped with the world's fastest machine-gun...the odds are shrinking and the GIs' chances of survival are all but vanishing. CGI and compelling interviews reveal that for thousands of men on Omaha there was to be no escape.