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Aussie Gold Hunters 2

Mondays from 3rd July at 9pm

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Building on the success of Season One, a new series of Aussie Gold Hunters joins our hard-battling crews of gold obsessed dreamers, as they build on last year's soaring highs and crushing lows, to face an even tougher season of high risks and high rewards.

Joining the teams: an all new core of tough, charismatic gold hunters and an expanded line-up of larger than life characters. And in this season it steps away from the coalface to see more of life behind the all-important gold targets: meeting families & friends, sharing dreams and seeing a whole new dimension to real life on the goldfields.

As the machines roar and gold tallies soar, Season Two will also offer a deeper insight into the goldfields, seeing more of this remarkable land, its towns, communities and the characters who truly make it the wild frontier.