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Deadliest Catch 9

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Across the far reaches of the Bering Sea, an aging breed of Alaskan Crab Fishermen cling to a dying way of life, while ascending deckhands and two young skippers plan to give them a run for their bounty. Adventure is their call, crab is their trade, and a one hundred million dollar plunder could be the reward for their sacrifice, as hit series Deadliest Catch returns to Discovery Channel. Seven skippers and their crews will fight through hell and back in search of King and Opilio crab. But as the fleet faces off with the raging sea, they are quick to realize, that sometimes the most violent storms can come from within. This series sees third generation fisherman Captain Sig Hansen of the Northwester, match his skills against his old rival, Keith Colburn of the Wizard, while Legendary Skipper Wild Bill Wichrowski returns at the reigns of the Cape Caution boat. As the skippers wage war for crab supremacy, brothers Jake and Josh Harris, struggle to keep their father's fishing legacy alive. Unable to finance and run their own boat after more than two years, Josh is looking to the Hillstrands for another season on the Time Bandit, while younger brother Jake may be watching from the sidelines while he picks up the pieces of his shattered life. Forty-foot waves, hurricane force winds, heavy-machinery and massive icebergs are just a few reasons that no season is ever the same. Surrounded by death and a multitude of injuries these men return to the treacherous and dangerous high seas.