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Engineering Day STUNT

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To begin with we're revving up with Engine Addict with Jimmy DeVille who travels to Curitiba, the largest city in the south of Brazil, on the hunt for the legendary 4 cylinder, boxer engine that powers the world's bestselling car - the VW Beetle. Next up, Mighty Cruise Ships where the Paul Gauguin sets sail through the South Pacific. Later, Extreme Engineering will tell a story of huge the most outrageous and awe-inspiring projects ever conceived followed by Strip The City using stunning CGI animation to strip the world's most extreme 'underground city' - London - naked of its steel, concrete, roads, rivers and rock layer by layer to explore the secret technology and infrastructure that keeps it running. Rise of the Machine introduces the 5.5 million dollar mega truck. It has an engine with the pulling power of a freight train, tyres as tall as two grown men and fitted with it's own survival systems! Finally, Bionic Builders follows stuntman and amputee Casey Pieretti and inventor Bill Spracher design who build, test and trial one of a kind appendages.Program info to follow