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Revealed: Dream City of the Future

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'Revealed: Dream City of the Future' looks at one of the world's most ambitious infrastructure projects which may become the greatest urbanization experiment on earth. South Korea has built the world's largest sea dyke in the waters of the Yellow Sea. The scheme was controversial, taking 20 years to complete and this special programme takes viewers into the workings of this mammoth project and explores the possibilities for developing the vast area of land into a city five times the size of Manhattan. But what should a future city look like? What kind of place will people wish to live, work, and play going forward? How do we build a city for future generations? Architects, urban planners and developers tell us their vision of the future for new cities. With more than 70 percent of the population expected to become urban dwellers by 2050, ‘Revealed: Dream City of the Future' shows how mankind sees urban evolution for the future.