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Is There Life On Mars?


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On July 31st 2008, scientists heading NASA’s Phoenix mission announced the first definitive proof that water exists on Mars - opening up the tantalising possibility that life may exist there, too. The sensational announcement followed an astonishing five years of robotic exploration on the Red Planet, pioneered by the Jet Propulsion Lab’s twin rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. This one-off special goes behind the scenes of the latest NASA missions that search for new clues on the road to answering this ultimate question. With unique access to the NASA Phoenix and Mars Exploration Rover missions, the programme shows scientists and engineers in action, directing the operations of spacecraft millions of miles away, as the robotic explorers drill into rock, claw into soil, analyse samples, and trundle across the rock-strewn landscape in search of signs that Mars once or maybe even still harbours some form of life.