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My Mom Is Obsessed

MY MOM IS OBSESSED Premieres Thursday, March 29 at 10 PM ET/PT

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Discovery Fit & Health is putting the intricate relationship between a mother and daughter under the microscope in the new series MY MOM IS OBSESSED Thursday, March 29 at 10 PM ET/PT.  The six episode docu-series will give an intimate, heart-warming and sometimes shocking look into the lives of moms and daughters who are anything but ordinary.  Each episode will take an emotional journey inside the minds of two teenage girls, ages 12-18, who are struggling to create healthy relationships with their dysfunctional mothers who are consumed with an obsession such as plastic surgery, weight, shopping, working out or partying. Driven to their breaking points and put in the unthinkable position of taking on the role of the parent, these teenagers are demanding a change. Through tough love, dedication and the help of a therapist these pairs will try to pull themselves back from the brink of disaster and maintain a healthy and loving mother/daughter relationship. The families fight to repair an already broken relationship while experiencing anger, heartache, love, reconciliation and change.  MY MOM IS OBSESSED includes the below episodes: 

Exercise & Plastic Surgery - March 29 at 10 PM ET/PT
Susan from Grosse Ile Township, MI is addicted to cosmetic procedures and it's making the life of her daughter Analise extremely difficult. Meanwhile, Sharnique from Marietta, GA is obsessed with the gym and it's ruining the life of her daughter Brittany. If these moms don't get therapy, it looks like their relationships with their daughters will be permanently damaged.

Weight & Shopping - April 5 at 10 PM ET/PT
Tamara from Dana Point, CA is a diet addict and obsessed with her and her teenage daughter Alizabeth's weight. Running a strict diet regime for both her and Alizabeth is ruining their relationship and turning the kitchen into a war zone. Monica from Redondo Beach, CA is a shopaholic and she's run up so much debt that she and her teenage daughter, Kaley, are in danger of losing their home. If she doesn't give up her addiction, disaster is just around the corner.

Bodybuilding & Partying -  April 12 at 10 PM ET/PT
Cheryl from Dublin, CA is addicted to bodybuilding, spending all her free time lifting weights, and her oldest daughter Rachel feels like she never sees her mom and she's been replaced with an elliptical machine. Tennille from Los Angeles is a party girl. She goes out drinking most nights of the week, staying out until the early hours of the morning while Brittney, her teenage daughter, stays home to play mom to her two younger brothers. If these mom's don't change their ways, their relationships with their daughters could be doomed.

Men & Freedom - April 19 at 10 PM ET/PT
17 year-old Chelsea from Fullerton, CA feels her teenage years have come to an abrupt end while 14 year-old Albany from Rancho Palos Verdes, CA feels hers are over before they've even begun.  While both of their moms go out and enjoy themselves, these teens must stay home and take care of all the housework, cooking, schooling and parenting.  The girls have reached a breaking point and they're desperate for someone to tell their moms to start acting like the parent and give them back their teenage lives before it's too late. 

Food & Control - April 26 at 10 PM ET/PT
Rosa from San Diego can't control her eating and spends all her time bingeing and playing computer games while her 12 year-old daughter, Kiana, does all the household chores and is constantly worrying about her mom's health. Desperate to be a kid again, Kiana's finally had enough of her mom's lifestyle. Meanwhile, Pamela from Conyers, GA can't stop controlling every aspect of her daughter London's life. Fed up, London has threatened to go and live with a relative if her mom doesn't give up her hovering ways. To try and salvage their relationships both mothers agree to go in to therapy. But how committed are they to change?

Therapy Session - May 3 at 10 PM ET/PT
Obsession ruins lives and destroys relationships...and when obsession enters a household it can rip families apart. Any activity, no matter how small, can become an obsession if left unchecked. When a person is so preoccupied with something that it is all consuming, dominates their daily life and becomes more important than personal relationships...obsession has taken hold. In the final episode My Mom Is Obsessed, using examples from our moms and daughters in crisis, the expert therapists demonstrate how to free a family from the grips of obsession and bring peace back into the household.

