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Kelli Campbell

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Senior Vice President

In her current position as senior vice president, Kelli Campbell fulfills a dual role - overseeing the Discovery Education experience from product development through school implementation, as well as serving as interim managing director for the company's UK operations.

Campbell leads product strategy across curriculum, instruction, and assessment services, ensuring that high quality, engaging digital resources are provided to transform teaching and learning in schools worldwide. In addition, she oversees the development of customized solutions that meet school partners' unique challenges and academic goals, including collaborative professional development designed to help educators effectively integrate technology into instruction. Campbell oversees all operational aspects of Discovery Education's products, services and classroom implementation.

In this capacity, Campbell has helped fuel innovation and curriculum development, spearheading the company's entrance into the digital textbook market in 2011. Spanning K-12 science, middle school social studies, and middle and high school math, the Discovery Education "Techbooks" have positively impacted more than 830,000 students and teachers nationwide. Discovery Education's digital Techbooks are designed to replace textbooks as the next generation of core instructional resources for America's classrooms.

As interim managing director, Campbell oversees the company's solutions for teachers and pupils in the UK, including curriculum-aligned digital content and professional development for primary and secondary schools.

Campbell is an acknowledged thought leader on education's transition to digital content. She has presented at numerous national and regional education conferences on the subject and has contributed to numerous articles in national publications on the replacement of textbooks by digital resources. She served on the committee that developed the "Digital Textbook Playbook," the Obama administration's plan for schools to get digital textbooks in students' hands within five years. In 2014, Campbell was named one of the Alliance for Women in Media's Women with Solutions for her leadership in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). In 2012, she was acknowledged with a Women in Technology Leadership Award. Campbell is a member of the Board of Trustees for The Woods Academy in Bethesda, Md., as well as the Advisory Board for Discovery Communications' Women's Leadership Network.

In previous roles at Discovery Education, Campbell oversaw the launch of several emerging businesses, such as Techbook, and led the team developing the company's award-winning flagship service, Discovery Education Streaming. Before joining the company, Campbell served as vice president and general manager for Clearvue & SVE, a Chicago-based educational content company. An early pioneer in using digital content for instruction, she directed the creation and launch of the award-winning media-on-demand system.

A graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Campbell currently lives with her husband and two children in Bethesda, Maryland.