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-- Five educators chosen for their expertise, spirit of collaboration and advocacy for the integration of digital content and educational technology in classroom instruction --

August 21, 2013

Silver Spring, Md. (August 21, 2013) -Discovery Education is pleased to announce the 2013 Discovery Educator Network (DEN) Gurus.  The DEN Guru program recognizes educators who have distinguished themselves as thought leaders through their work in transforming teaching and learning with digital content and educational technologies. The DEN is supported by Discovery Education, the leading provider of digital content for K-12 classrooms. 

The DEN supports educators worldwide in their efforts to transform the learning experience with digital media.  A global community of education professionals, the DEN connects members across school systems and around the world through social media, virtual conferences, and in-person events, fostering valuable networking, idea sharing, and inspiration. 

The five educators chosen to be 2013 DEN Gurus have demonstrated their expertise in one or more pedagogical topic areas through a variety of professional experiences, and have been acknowledged as advocates for the meaningful integration of educational technologies and digital content into curriculum. 

The 2013 DEN Gurus are:

Tracy Carpenter, Archdiocese of Baltimore, Maryland. Carpenter is an instructional technology coordinator and STEM educator at Resurrection-St. Paul School.  Passionate about using educational technologies to prepare students for college and careers, Carpenter has more than 10 years of experience providing professional development to educators at the elementary and middle school levels.  Previously, Carpenter worked as a technology coordinator for Hewlett-Packard.  She is a certified Microsoft Innovative Educator trainer and a Glogster Ambassador who has presented at various professional development events at the local, regional and national levels.

Kelly Hines, Guilford County Schools, North Carolina. Hines is a fifth grade teacher at McLeansville Elementary School in the Guilford County Schools.  She has 14 years of experience in creating authentic learning environments for students in grades 3 through 6 across North Carolina, is certified in gifted education, and is a National Board Certified Teacher.

Lea Anne Daughrity, Major Transformations Academy, Texas.  Daughirity is a fourth grade teacher and instructional technology specialist at Major Transformations Academy in Texas.  Daughrity has led numerous educational technology implementation initiatives throughout her school system, including the accompanying professional development efforts.  She was a nominee for ISTE's Sylvia Charp Award and assisted with two district-wide projects that were recognized with ISTE's Innovation Awards in 2011 and 2012.

Robin Martin, Unionville-Chadds Ford School District, Pennsylvania. A teacher at Charles F. Patton Middle School, Martin has served as a health and physical education teacher, assistant principal, athletic director, and technology teacher.  Martin has led various professional development efforts in his school system and has presented at various education events at the local, state and national level.  A PA Keystone Technology Integrator and GlobalClassroom and Wilkes University instructor, Martin is currently involved in the planning and training for an upcoming 1:1 iPad program for her school

Kati Searcy, Fulton County Schools, Georgia.  Searcy is a teacher at Mountain Park Elementary and has been an educator for 27 years.  She has spent the last 14 years teaching students who have been identified as gifted and talented.  A National Board Certified Teacher, in 2012 Searcy was named the Georgia Gifted Educator of the Year.  She has presented at numerous conferences across the country, including two international virtual conferences, on the topic of using assessments with digital tools.

"I believe I speak for my fellow DEN Gurus in thanking Discovery Education for this recognition," said Kelly Hines of the Guilford County Schools. "Being a part of the Discovery Educator Network has provided me unique opportunities to work other educators from around the world equally dedicated to using technology to give today's digital students the educational experiences they need for success in our increasingly global society.  I'm honored to be named a 2013 DEN Guru."

To be considered for the DEN Guru honor, applicants must be STAR Discovery Educators. STAR Discovery Educators are active members of the DEN and proven leaders in transforming teaching and learning. This year's honorees were selected from more than 6,000 STAR Discovery Educators.

"This year's class of DEN Gurus epitomize the spirit of the Discovery Educator Network," said Lance Rougeux, vice president of learning communities and instructional implementation for Discovery Education. "Each of these passionate and committed educators have spent years fostering valuable networking, idea-sharing and inspiration among their peers, and through these activities, they've helped support the success of thousands of students around the world.  I'm proud to name them our 2013 DEN Gurus."

For more information about Discovery Education and the Discovery Educator Network,

About Discovery Education

Discovery Education is the global leader in standards-based digital content for K-12, transforming teaching and learning with award-winning digital textbooks, multimedia content that supports the implementation of Common Core, professional development, assessment tools, and the largest professional learning community of its kind.  Available in over half of all U.S. schools, community colleges and in 50 countries around the world, Discovery Education partners with districts, states and like-minded organizations to captivate students, empower teachers, and transform classrooms with customized solutions that accelerate academic achievement. Discovery Education is powered by Discovery Communications (NASDAQ: DISCA, DISCB, DISCK), the number one nonfiction media company in the world, Explore the future of education at
