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Back-to-Back World Premiere Special Investigations Air Sunday, November 22, 2009, at 8 PM (ET/PT) and 9 PM (ET/PT) on Discovery Channel

November 18, 2009

Contact - Joshua Weinberg
VP, Communications

New information and never before heard details of a startling confession raise new questions on just who was behind the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy and the subsequent killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. The theories and findings are presented in two back to back world premiere specials -- DID THE MOB KILL JFK? at 8 PM (ET/PT) and JFK: THE RUBY CONNECTION at 9 PM (ET/PT) on November 22 on Discovery Channel.

"I had the little bastard killed. He was a thorn in my shoe"...According to a secret FBI informant these were the words of his cellmate, Carlos Marcello, the notorious New Orleans mafia boss (one of America's most powerful mafia godfathers) confessing to his role in orchestrating the Kennedy assassination and featured in DID THE MOB KILL JFK?

Almost half a century after the assassination, the informant has come forward to provide an exclusive interview that may solve one of the nation's most enduring mysteries and re-write history. With an exclusive interview with the informant, DID THE MOB KILL JFK? tracks the nexus of organized crime, the Justice Department, the CIA and attempts to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro culminating in that fateful day in Dallas. Marcello, who controlled mob operations in Louisiana and Texas, had long been suspected in having a hand in the Kennedy assassination.

DID THE MOB KILL JFK? links Marcello with both Oswald and Ruby, as the godfather reveals in his confession that he brought Lee Harvey Oswald into the plot, telling the informant that "He was my man. He did what the hell I told him to do." Marcello also admits that Dallas strip club owner Jack Ruby was deeply in debt and "owed him big."

The special draws on an array of historians, investigators and eyewitness accounts, including interviews with author Lamar Waldron and former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden who claims an aborted attempt on the President's life in Chicago early in November was covered up. What was the real Ruby/Oswald connection? With precision and a meticulous level of detail, the producers of JFK: THE RUBY CONNECTION, airing at 9 PM (ET/PT) sets out to answer this by recreating and restaging the November 24th shooting of Oswald. They return to the actual Dallas police station garage where Ruby shot Oswald on live television. Using the same vintage cameras and lights and the exact camera positions,

JFK: THE RUBY CONNECTION illustrates minute-by-minute who was standing where and why. All the remaining eyewitnesses are also on hand, including detective and Oswald escort Jim Leavelle, whose grimace as the assassin slumps over is forever seared into history. Using cutting edge technology, forensics experts analyze every available frame of film and still photography from the shooting including a little seen video taken from behind Oswald by ABC's Steve Alexander. After careful consideration, JFK: THE RUBY CONNECTION concludes Ruby's incompetence could only be his own personal doing. In addition, the sheer number of people required to make a possible conspiracy a reality would be in the hundreds - all whom would have had to be kept silent all these years.

DID THE MOB KILL JFK? is produced for Discovery Channel by NBC's Peacock Productions. Sharon Scott is the executive in charge; and Elizabeth Fischer, Knute Walker and Benjamin Ringe are the executive producers. Steve Schwartz is executive producer for Discovery Channel.

JFK: THE RUBY CONNECTION is produced for Discovery Channel by Creative Differences. Erik Nelson is executive producer. Steve Schwartz is executive producer for Discovery Channel.