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Marathon from 9AM to 3AM on Discovery Channel; MacGyver Myths episode at 10PM ET/PT

May 20, 2010

Contact - Katherine Nelson
VP, Communications

The man. The myth. The mullet. This Sunday, May 23, Discovery Channel honors the man with the ultimate MYTHBUSTERS spirit, MacGyver, with a repeat airing of one of the series' most popular episodes, MacGyver Myths. Airing at 10PM, the episode airs as part of an all-day MYTHBUSTERS Marathon from 9AM to 3PM ET/PT.

In the MacGyver Myths episode, Jamie and Adam try blowing a hole in a wall using pure sodium metal dropped in a bottle of water. Science tells us this should be a chemical catastrophe, but will the wall come tumbling down? Next, Kari, Grant and Tory try building an ultralight airplane with raw bamboo, a small engine and a roll of duct tape. MacGyver made it all seem effortless on television, but real time and gravity may conspire against this working in real life. The grand finale features Adam and Jamie taking on a four-part MacGyver challenge: to pick a lock, develop film with common kitchen liquids, build a compass, and devise and aerial signal for a rescue helicopter. With just one hour to finish each task, Adam and Jamie struggle to match MacGyver's Hollywood heroics.

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