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What's Wrong With That House?

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What’s Wrong With That House? is a new series featuring popular Home Inspector Joe stars Joe Mazza and his go-to designer Noel Gatts. During the eight-episode series, Joe, a licensed home inspector with more than 20 years of construction experience, will help clients uncover and repair any hidden issues in their homes before they take on their dream renovation. From leaky pipes and cracked foundations to broken boilers and unsafe fireplaces, Joe will figure out what needs to be fixed ASAP. Once the property is in tip-top shape, designer Noel will step in to make it beautiful. She will find creative ways to maximize each family’s budget, giving them functional and stylish spaces. 

“Joe is the guy everyone needs in their corner when it comes to home renovations,” said Loren Ruch, Head of Content, HGTV. “His decades of experience and sixth sense for uncovering hidden damage is remarkable. He’s on a mission in What’s Wrong With That House? to find and fix problem areas, and with Noel’s talent for design, will always save the day by giving families a home that is safe and beautiful.”