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Wa$ted! Season 2

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Actress, author and activist, Annabelle Gurwitch, proves that American homeowners don't have to go to extremes to live a healthier more environmentally friendly lifestyle and save money at the same time.  Wa$ted! takes the average household full of eco-horrors and turns it into a clean, green haven, saving participants serious cash in the process.  The Wa$ted! team, led by Annabelle along with co-host, Holter Graham, audits a household's waste and its energy, water, and transportation consumption.  Each household has three weeks to reduce its consumption, to clean up their act.  All improvements in energy efficiency and waste reduction are awarded to the households, dollar for dollar, for the recognized savings in the three weeks.  Planet Green then multiplies those savings by the projected savings for the entire year per household and awards it to the family as a nice cash bonus for all participants.